
Welcome to Greenbull Racing!

Thats me on Jan 1st, 2020, running a 5k and FINALLY running a sub 20 minute PR, 19:46!

Greenbull Racing has been a long time coming. With years of complete running immersion, I, Christian Toro, have learned enough to train from a 5:45 marathon debut to a 3:19 marathon PR. Lots of people follow me on Strava, lots of people ask questions about why I do what I do. Even more people say that I have a story to share. And of course, I have the people that doubt me. I don’t blame them, they don’t know what I am capable of. Even I wonder sometimes!

From being overweight to healthier than ever, I have completely turned my life around. I want to share this journey with you. And I am ready to share my experiences with you. Maybe I should have started this sooner? Well the truth is that I didn’t know it would get to this. I didn’t know that running would be the fire that burns through my veins and gives me a sense of accomplishment, will, and determination. I have not peaked yet, I have faster times in me! I know that I don’t know everything there is to know about running, and that is ok! I want to learn more and more every day! But knowing what I have learned, I am ready to share that with you!

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